Command line

The fixtup command line tool is an assistant to configure your python project and manage the existing fixtures. You can invoke it in your shell, once you have activated the virtual environment in which you installed fixtup.

fixtup init - install fixtup in a python project

The fixtup init command initiates your fixture repository and configures the python manifest.

$ fixtup init

Choose a directory to store fixture templates : tests/fixtures
Python manifest (setup.cfg/pyproject.toml) [setup.cfg]

fixtup new - generate a new fixture

The fixtup new command generates a new fixture in your fixture repository. This command creates the folder for you, instantiates hooks, initiates artifacts required by plug-ins.

In less than 2 minutes you are ready to use fixtup in your project.

$ fixtup new

Choose a fixture identifier : thumbnail_context
Mount environment variables on this fixture (y/n) [y]
Mount docker container on this fixture (y/n) [y]

The result will take this form in tests/fixture/fixtup/simple

├── docker-compose.yml
├── fixtup.yml
└── .hooks

fixtup info - view configuration information

The fixtup info command displays a summary of important parameters such as the file that contains the fixtup configuration or the repository that contains the fixture templates.

$ fixtup info

Configuration: /home/far/documents/project/setup.cfg
Fixtures: /home/far/documents/project/tests/fixtures/fixtup
    * fixtup.plugins.dotenv
    * fixtup.plugins.docker