
The installation of Fixtup is done with pip.

pip install fixtup


If you manage your dependencies through, setup.cfg, pyproject.toml, pipenv or poetry, you should declare and install fixtup as a dev dependencies.

Configure fixtup on your project

To be able to use Fixtup, you must initialize it in your python project. Fixtup can do that for you with the command

fixtup init


If you haven’t manifest for your project, you should declare one.

You will need a pyproject.toml which declares you want to use setuptools to package your project.

requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

If you want to configure Fixtup all by yourself, look at the section relative to your project manifest.

Configure fixtup with setup.cfg

The first way to configure Fixtup is to add a section fixtup in the setup.cfg manifest of your python project.



Fixtup crawls through your project tree to find python manifest setup.cfg or pyproject.toml.

Configure fixture with pyproject.toml

Another way to configure Fixtup is to add a tools.fixtup section in the pyproject.toml manifest of your python project.


Configure fixtup as a module

You can also declare the fixtup path in a python module that will be included in your test suite.


This method is not recommended. You won’t be able to use the command line to create your new fixtures. However, it allows to have several fixtures repositories in your code base.

import os

import fixtup

SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__file__, '..'))
fixtup.configure({"fixtures": os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "../fixtures")})