
The plug-ins in Fixtup allow you to tune the process of building an environment. A plug-in runs when a fixture is created, mounted, started, stopped or unmounted.

For example, the fixtup.plugins.dotenv plugin loads environment variables from an .env file when starting a fixture. It offers to create the .env file when generating a new fixture with the fixtup new command.

Here are some use cases that could be implemented with a plug-in:

  • mount and destroy resources in the cloud with terraform from a terraform.ts file

  • instantiate resources on a kubernetes cluster during a test

  • check the contents of a fixture

Configure plugins in Fixtup

A plug-in has to be registers in fixtup settings. If for you it is in a setup.cfg file, the list of plugins is declared in plugins section:


More information on the configuration in the section Configure fixtup on your project


Plugins are executed in their declared order.


Native plug-ins

Fixtup implements several plug-ins. They are installed when you install fixtup.

Community plugins

You have created a plugin, you want to share it with the community? Contact me on github with this form so it appears here.

Implement your own plug-in

To implement a plug-in, you need to implement a module with those functions. The functions are optional, if they are absent, fixtup will not take them into account.

import io
import os

from fixtup.prompt.factory import lookup_prompt
from fixtup.entity.fixture import Fixture
from fixtup.entity.fixture_template import FixtureTemplate

def on_new_fixture(template: FixtureTemplate):
    This function is called by fixtup when a developer instantiates a new fixture with ``fixtup new``.
    It's the place to bootstrap content relative to your plugin.

    For example, the plugin can create a file if the developer plans to use terraform.
    prompt = lookup_prompt()
    is_terraform = prompt.confirm('Is this fixture use terraform declaration ?')
    if is_terraform:
        with, ''), 'w') as fp:

def on_setup_data(fixture: Fixture):
    This function is called by fixtup between each test to provision data

def on_starting(fixture: Fixture):
    this function is called by fixtup every time it need to start a test that requires the fixture.

def on_stopping(fixture: Fixture):
    this function is called by fixtup every time it end a test.

def on_teardown_data(fixture: Fixture):
    This function is called by fixtup between each test to cleanup data

In the configuration file, you must add the module of your plugin.
